
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clay Lights

We needed some nice patio table lights for the cabin so we decided to make some instead...we had been thinking about going fishing hence the fish theme for our lights.

Materials Required:

air dry clay ( I like Prang Das, strong, less cracking and dries to a nice pale shade..great for painting....I used an alternate type here and I was not very pleased with it )

small container of water

acrylic craft paint


wax paper

tea lights

Take a palm sized lump of clay and flatten out on a piece of wax paper.

Starting at one end mold a tail

Keep the front part flat as this will be the base for the tea light. Make sure it is large enough to hold a tea light..about 2 inches.

If the clay is getting dry wet your fingers in the water and smooth over the clay.

Scrunch up a small piece of newspaper and place in the space for the tea light...this will hold up the clay you put on top while it is drying.

Flatten another palm sized lump of clay to about 1/2 inch thick.

Place on top of the newspaper....join to the bottom with by wetting your fingers in water and smoothing both pieces together.

If there is some cracking in the clay like you can see here....dip your fingers in water again and smooth out.

At first we thought we might turn this into a whale but I was worried there might not be enough air for the tea light so we opened up the hole more

You can also use foil to help hold the shape while its drying in areas where you need a bit more support than the newspaper provides.

Cut out eye holes for your fish....

We added fins but had to use another color of clay as we ran out of the grey

Leave your clay fish to will know it is dry when you touch the clay and it is close to room temperature.

When dry use acrylic craft paint and paint as desired......

We didn't add a sealer as the paint stayed pretty glossy however you can add a sealant on the outside surface only if you wish.

Put your tea lights into the center.

That's it...some colorful fish for our patio table....

that add some light to our summer evenings.

take care and see you next time



  1. SUPER cute! I love the personalities of each fish. I can't wait to try this with my kids, thanks for the "how-to" :-}

  2. OMg how FANTASTIC are these !!!! As Homeschoolers we are always on the lookout for crafts that can be used as gifts...these are just perfect ,especially as there are 2 fishermen in the family :0)

  3. Thank you very much for this cool tutorial. I tried it out yesterday. My daughter and I had so much fun making the fish!

  4. Thanks so much for the great comments....I am so glad that you are interested and willing to give this a try....I especially love that you are spending time with your kids and having fun..That's the best!

  5. You suggest acrylic craft paint......would the tempera cake paints work?
