Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Metal Tape

It all started with these foam swords.....well then we had to make some shields. So I brought out my metal tape and began contemplating all the projects you could use it for ........
Like this forged metal picture.  I'm showing you 2 photos as the metal loses it's shine under the scanner.

or this fairy picture.
Now you get it from the hardware store...usually near the metal ducting section.  At Home Depot I find it with the duct tape but this stuff is real metal.  It's thicker than foil and the adhesive they use is incredibly sticky.  It costs about $12.00 for a 40 ft. roll and is about 2 inches wide.
I lay it out flat in pieces (don't take off the backing) and then using a dull pencil draw a design. The tape is heavy enough that the pencil etches the design into the tape.
You can also antique or burnish it with a little acrylic paint.  I use my fingers and rub it into all the little spaces.
Then using a paper towel remove as much paint as you want for an antiqued look.

I've also used it in my embosser for instant stickers.  For a larger design you can use 2 pieces of tape side by side. 
For the shields I cut a shape out of some cardboard edged it with duct tape and added a handle at the back.
The boys then painted them.
Made some designs on the metal tape......
and created their shields.
For the forged steel pictures the design was cut out piece by piece and etched.
The pieces were then burnished.
The backing was then removed and the metal tape pieces placed onto the background.  CAREFUL...this tape is really sticky.
and that's it.  Once you start using this tape you'll find a lot of uses.  The adhesive is sticky enough for virtually any surface..wood, plastic, metal, ceramic.  It makes awesome labels for things like plant tags and it is much cheaper than buying metal embossing sheets from the craft store and it has the glue built in.

Next time you're at the hardware store pick some up.


  1. How cool!! That is on my list of cool things to buy for crafting. The things you made are wonderful.

  2. This is fantastic! Your blog is heaven sent!

  3. I always check your blog but I havent got the time to comment. Your work is just great. I always coome here to get inspired to create new activities to my students. Congratulations for you talent ans criativity and thank you so much for sharing it. I'll try commenting more often. Great work, great ideas, great talent, thats all i have to say. : )

  4. We use metal tape for a lot of things here in our house. One of the most popular is taking a paper cutout and gluing it to a surface and then putting metal tape over it and burnishing it down so that the cutout's shape shows through. I love your fairy princess. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas and the fabulous activities!

  5. Love, love, love this one! The metal tape worked great! I've wanted to do a metal embossing lesson for awhile, but couldn't find the embossing sheets. This was so much better. Thanks again!

  6. Thank you for the information about metal tape. I bought a project from a yard sale only to get to the very end to find out it was missing metal tape to complete. I have been to every craft store with no luck, so now I'm off to Home Depot - Hooray!
