
Friday, June 29, 2012

Famous Art Inchies Part 3 and Giveaway Winner

Today is the offical start to summer at my house.  School is finally done.....woohoo!

I was looking forward to sleeping in but only managed 15 extra minutes, oh well by the time I get used to sleeping in it will be Sept and I'll need to wake up early's overrated anyway...there's so much I can get done.....early morning walks, new art projects, picking giveaway winners.

There was 101 entries for the "Every Picture Tells a Story" DVD series from Acorn Media. By random draw the winner is:

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-06-29 15:10:56 UTC

Which works out to be

Denice who send me an email entry saying:

I modify for my pre-k students by using four 2x2 inch squares.. Thank you!"

Thanks everyone for entering and don't be discouraged I have more giveaways lined up for the next few weeks.

Now on to the third row of inchies.

Please see Monday's post for list of materials and supplies:

The first inchie in this third row is based on the work of Jim Dine, specifically his "4 Hearts" from 1969.

The larger project for this one is actually another inchie project I do around Valentine's Day.  The directions for that project can be found HERE.

For this inchie draw out a heart design in pencil.

Paint in some color and then add an outline.

The next inchie is based on the optical artwork of Bridget Riley.

This is "To a Summer's Day" 1980 that I photographed in London.

This is "Fall" 1963 which is also at the Tate Modern in London and from which my inchie is based.

For both the large version and an inchie you start by finding a piece of cardboard or chipboard that is the length of your paper.  I use old cereal or cracker boxes.  Cut a strip and then cut away a wavy pattern.Using the cardboard and medium and fine tipped markers create a series of repeating lines.  Make some closer together than others.  The illusion created will be that these lines are moving.  This is optical art.
Using the cardboard and medium and fine tipped markers create a series of repeating lines. Make some closer together than others. The illusion created will be that these lines are moving. This is optical art.

The last inchie is based on the work of Andy Warhol.

The larger project is based on a project I saw on another site but for the life of me I can't remember the reference.  (if anyone knows please let me know so I can credit/link back appropriately).

This is of my son Ryan.  What I liked about it was the combination of pictures and text.  A great project for Kinders and Grade 1.
For the inchie I found tiny pictures and then painted them.

I then painted the inchie with blocks of color.

Then using stamps add text and glue on your tiny pictures.

That's it. So much fun that I think I'll have to do a second set of Famous Art inchies in a future post!

I hope everyone has a great Canada Day weekend and I'll be back next week with more projects.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Famous Art Inchies Part 2

Now on to the second row of inchies.

See first post for required materials.

The first square in the second row is based on the work of Paul Klee, a swiss artist .

He liked to say that "drawing is like taking a line for a walk."

In the large project I have the kids do a bit of a practice drawing first.  The goal is to complete a drawing without lifting your pencil from the paper.  You want one continuous line.

Then I have the students do a design on colored paper with either a white or black pencil crayon.

For the inchie we just do the same only smaller.

The next inchie is a printmaking one.  It's based on a project I do when we are studying Albrecht Durer.

Although he was an an amazing painter it's his prints and engravings that command your attention.

For the large project I have the kids take 1 piece of scratch foam and cut it into 4 equal pieces.

Next they either take a story they have read or one that they have wrote and draw 4 scenes.  With scratch foam you use a dull pencil.  The lines indent the foam and will remain white in the printing process.

Paint over the scratch foam with some liquid tempera.

Flip the scratch foam over onto your piece of paper and then using a brayer roll with equal pressure on top of it.

The second print is usually the best.

Whenever I do a printmaking project I hold on to the scratch foam and display it along with the finished print.

For the inchie use a small square of scratch foam


and make your inchie sized print just like described for the larger project.

The last inchie in this row is based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky, most specifically on his color studies.

For the large project you take a large piece of wc paper and tape it down to an art board.

Mark of a grid of squares in pencil.

I then have the kids do similar color studies only in 3 different ways.

First we use just paint.
I let them use re positional contact paper if they want to help make some of the circles.  You cut out a circle shape, stick it down on the paper and then paint over it.  When dry remove the contact paper sticker.

We also do a little pastel resist.

Makes some circles and rings with bright colored pastels and then paint over.


Lastly we paint in the entire square and then cut and paste in the other circles.

For the inchie choose one of the techniques and do it in miniature.

That's it for this row of inchies.  I'll have the directions for the next three on Friday.
Don't forget to enter the draw for the "Every Picture Tells a Story" DVD series.  See my last post for entry guidelines.  The draw will be on Friday morning.

Good luck everyone and I'll see you then.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Famous Art Inchies and New Giveaway

Well I'm in the final stretch....only 4 more days of school left!

I know the blog has been quiet but I have been crazy busy as I completed some "artist in residency" programs and tried to fit in as much art as possible into my local school.

This is a project I did with a group of teachers last Fall.  I needed to show them some great art projects in a limited time frame.

Each inchie is based on a famous work or style of art.  Can you name them all?

If not don't worry we'll go thru them all.  I also want to introduce you to my new giveaway this week.  My friends at Acorn Media group are sponsoring this one again.

"Every Picture Tells a Story" is a 2 volume DVD set. There are 8 episodes examining 8 great works of art and the story behind them.  Hosted by U.K. art critic (The Sunday Times, U.K.) Waldermar Januszczak.

Mr. Januszczak provides a very insightful, often humourous examination of each work.  He describes the social climate of the time and each artist's place in it.

Although I was familar with all works discussed I learned alot and thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Januszczak's commentary.
If you are interested in winning a copy of this series stay tuned to the end of this post.

Onto the Inchie project.  I'm going to show you the how to as well as the larger project for each one. We'll break it down into 3 posts, 3 inchies each time so look forward to a week of inchies:)!


- 2x2 inch squares of wc (watercolor) or heavy white paper
- pastels
- disk tempera paint
- liquid tempera paint
- thick and fine tipped sharpies or markers
- glue
- colored paper
- white pencil crayon
- piece of scratch foam or foam tray
- stamps
- little headshots, pictures


Now each inchie can be turned into a larger project. In fact some of these I have already posted.

The first square represents impressionism.   It's based on the gorgoeous impressionist landscapes of Monet, Van Gogh, Seurat,......I could go on.

I did a full tutorial HERE  for the Field of Poppies in the style Van Gogh.

For the inchie start by penciling in a very simple landscape.

Paint in with one layer of disk tempera.

Let dry.

With a very small brush go over the sections of the landscape with dots and dashes of color.

That's it for this one.

The next inchie reflects cubism and is based on this divided face project in the style of Picasso.

You can find the directions for the full sized project at THIS POST.

For the inchie draw out your face in pencil.  You want both the heads on view and the profile combined.

Add color with pencil crayons, (colored pencil), paint, or pastels.

Add definition by outlining with a fine sharpie.

There another inchie down.

The next inchie is based on the work of Piet Mondrian.

This is an example of a larger collage.
A dutch artist, Mondrian was very influential in his ideas on Modern Design.  He was reducing natural forms to their simpliest linear representation. His work is all about the horizontals, verticals, and primary colors.

Here is a picture of a Mondrian that I took on a recent visit to the Art Institute of Chicago.

For the large project you start by cutting strips out of black paper.

Using primary colored paper cut out squares and rectangles.

Arrange these on a piece of white paper and glue into place.

Place the black strips between the colored rectangles and squares.  Glue into place.

For the inchie you just do the same only in miniature.  For the black strips I found running some black paper thru the paper shredder very helpful.

Well that's the first three. We will continue on Wednesday.

On to the giveaway.

To enter to win "Every Picture Tells a Story" DVD series, you need to do one of the following:

- leave a comment on this post
- or send me an email at
- or like this post on my Facebook page.

You have until 11:59pm on Thursday June 28th/12 and I'll make the draw on Friday morning.

Only Canadian and U.S. residents please. Be sure to check out all the great titles at Acorn Media.

Good luck everyone and see you Wednesday with part 2 of our Famous Art Inchies.