Please bear in mind that as in all inchie projects each one can be done as large project on it's own.
There you just have 26 project ideas using whatever theme you want.
B is for button and bubble wrap.
You need the outline to see the letter but I would make the letter in black FIRST and then attach the buttons. I figured this out after the fact.
The background is bubble wrap placed bubble side down on top of wet disk tempera paint.
C is for crayon and chalk. I did the crayon first, painted over it with disk tempera and then added some chalk for extra oomph!
D is for drawing. It's just pencil on top of a dry painted inchie.
H is for Huichol or yarn painting. Just yarn glued into place to form a letter. See this post for more yarn painting.
I is for impasto or using thick paint to add texture. This is powdered tempera mixed thick and applied to a painted inchie.
I used impasto in this project.
Ok J is for Jackson Pollock and I now know it is backwards. The background looked graffiti like and maybe sub consciously I was going for that look :)
The background as a combo of marble painting and splatters. The J is just cut from coloured card stock.
Check out this cool website to make your own Pollock on your screen.
L is for line. Just a bunch of different styles of lines to make a L.
M is for map. I love using maps in projects!
N is for natural materials. Another favourite material of mine. Plain cardboard, burlap, and glued on twigs.
O is for using only a 'one colour scheme' and in this case orange.
The background paper is that white corrugated packaging you find in cookie bags painted with disk tempera.
P is for plaster and Pink. Plaster and dry wall (joint) compound are terrific for adding texture. This is actually drywall. Nice thing about drywall is it's pre mixed and ready to go. I cut out a P out thin cardboard and then spread it on with my finger. Dried in a few hours and added a wash with some diluted acrylic.
Q is for quotes. Using quotes or text as a background adds interest to your project.
R is for resists. This is just a simple white oil pastel resist. Apply pastel and then paint over top.
T is for tissue paper.
The background is crumpled tissue adhered using gesso and then painted. It's the same technique used HERE. You can also use glue to attach the tissue.
The letter is made from tissue dyed in Easter egg or Pysanky dye. You could also use food colouring.
U is for under painting. The square was painted black first and then other colours were added when it was dry. You want parts of the original under painting to show thru. Again this adds texture to a piece.
V is for value. It's hard to see well in this picture but I was painting a value scale on the letter. Contrast in value makes spectacular art!
W is for using a touch of white and wax paper. I painted the white acrylic on to wax paper using a stencil. I then podged it on black card stock. I talk about adding white in a recent post. Wax paper is another great material. You can paint on it with acrylics, crumple it to add texture, lay a crumpled piece on top of wet wc or pull an acrylic background for a great effect, use for mono prints, etc, etc. Cheap too!
Y is for Yantra. I could of done yupo but I was all out. Now before I get all those emails I know it's not a true yantra, I just focused on the geometrical design use here.
This is just watercolour and fine sharpie outline.
Z is for zentangle. Hey, Z is a hard one. This is just fine sharpie on card stock. The background is just a painted inchie.
You now have all the letters. But really you could do anything to create them. It was a lot of fun and can't wait to do another set (already in the works).
Hope I didn't put anyone to sleep and I'll see you next time.

You most definitely did not put me to sleep with all this art goodness! My head is now swimming with possibilities!
ReplyDelete(But I was wondering, where is the letter A?) :0)
Hey Amber, I showed the A on the last post, just scroll down. Thanks
DeleteOh dear- I am a ding-dong! Thanks for answering me anyway! ;0)