These Sunset Weavings are a result of my Canada 150 focus and trying to find new ways to expand my circular weaving options for my younger students.
I love circular weavings, it's where I start after paper weavings with Division 1 kids, (Kinder - Grade 1).
So I took elements of the Canadian landscape as the focus.
Other ideas that would work:
- lighthouse on the rocks 'Peggy's Cove'
- grain elevator on the Prairie
- cabin in the woods
- urban skyline, using landmarks like Calgary Tower, CN Tower
- wildlife silhouettes
- heavy corrugated cardboard
- something circular to trace, I used a dessert sized Chinet plate
- yarn and string, I like chunky yarn for weaving but nothing too fuzzy
- plastic or metal yarn needle, you can also just use a piece of pipe cleaner, or even just wrap masking tape around the end of the yarn.
- acrylic or liquid tempera paint
- black felt
- glue, scissors
Before we start I just want to say the directions look complicated but really they are not. I'm just trying to give you all the tips and ways of doing this that I find have worked the best.

Weaving ends up being very relaxing, a quiet time for the kids and once they have it down a good project for those spare moments or early finishers.
Using a circular item, the size you want your weaving to be, trace onto heavy corrugated cardboard.
Cut out.
I use heavy cardboard because kids are not the most gentle with their looms. They can pull really hard on the yarn and sometimes I see those looms flying like Frisbees, you know exactly what I mean.
You need to poke a hole thru the center of your cardboard. I use a knitting needle.
You then need to cut 15 notches around your circle.
I never measure I just cut 4 notches first to divide my circle into quarters, like 12 o clock, 3 o clock, 6 o clock, 9 o clock but I purposely cut 1 quarter smaller than the others.
I then cut 3 notches into my bigger sections and only 2 notches in my smaller section. This way I can cut the many class sets I have to make fast.
Cut a length of string to thread your loom. I like to just use plain household string. You don't see it in the final weaving and it does not get fuzzy while you are weaving.
If using a needle, thread it and then knot the little tail onto the needle. This stops you from having to keep threading the needle when the kids pull to hard.
Incidentally I teach kids how to thread needles and tie knots before
we do any weaving, otherwise I would go crazy.
On the end that does not have the needle I secure it into a notch, any notch, leaving a little bit so I can tie a knot. Pass the needle thru the hole and pull tight. Tie the little end you left to the string you just pulled thru. This will now be the back of the loom.
Pull string tight and then fit into the next notch, pass the needle to the front of the loom and thru the hole again.
Continue until all notches are strung.
On that last notch tie off the string to the back onto one of the other strings. It won't look right but this is the back. It's important that you only have 15 strings showing in the front.
Now we are going to tie on the first colour we are going to weave with. I am using white to start on these Sunset weavings. Cut a length about the 3-4 ft. I tell kids to stretch their arms out and cut a length that long.
Thread your needle, knot onto the needle using the little tail and then tie the other end of the yarn to your loom. Just choose any of the strings to knot onto at the back.
Pull the needle thru the hole so you are ready to start weaving on the front of your loom.
Choose a string on the loom to start at, doesn't matter which one.
Begin weaving using the pattern over under over under.
I tell my young kids that the needle is like a rabbit, it dives under the first string, hops over the next one, then dives under the next one and so on.
When you have woven over/under along 4 or 5 strings pull the needle so that all the slack in white yarn is taken up and then continue weaving.
Some important points here:
- you have to be constantly pulling the slack, I will remind the kids of this all the time
- you want the weaving to lay flat on the loom, if you pull too tight the weaving won't sit right, it will start growing upwards from the loom instead of out to the edges of the circle, like a big mass of yarn in the center.
- after each pull look at your weaving, you should be able to see where you left off. Start again right where you left off, no skipping.
- tell the kids to leave about 4-5 inches of yarn unwoven when it's time to change colours or get more.
When it comes time to change colours or add more we need to tie off.
The best way I have found to do this and hide our knots is to first tie a knot on the next string in the loom to finish.
Before cutting thread the needle under some of the existing weaving.
Then cut the yarn carefully so you don't cut any of the weaving.
Cut the needle off from what's left of that yarn.
Select your next colour and cut a length
Tie one end onto a string, I usually choose one opposite to where I finished because I do not want too many knots hidden in the same place. It will make a bump in your weaving.
Using the needle just thread that little end back under the weaving and cut off .
Then thread the other end of the yarn on your needle, knot on and start weaving again.
Weave until there is no space left on the loom. Tie off one last time.
Now it's time to paint the loom.
We are just painting that little bit of cardboard that is exposed. If you want you can prime it first with some white paint, let it dry and then paint the finishing colour.
You could also just paint without priming but I would suggest you add a bit of white paint or gesso to your colour. The white paint makes it a bit more opaque and it covers the cardboard a bit better.
When the paint has dried cut the black felt for your silhouette.
Here I cut my mountain range first.
I then turned the felt and loom to the back and using a white pencil crayon or china marker I traced the edge of the loom.
Cut on that line.
Then glue into place.
That's it.
Some other circular weaving projects you might want to try:
Woven Owls
Finally the winner of the "Little Loom Weaving" by Andreia Gomes is
Kathy Hardman from Ontario
Thanks everyone for entering and don't worry I have more book giveaways happening all summer long. :)
Take care everyone and DO SOME WEAVING!
That is very cool!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of creating an urban skyline example- that would be great to see! Thank you for the ideas.
ReplyDeleteWe will be finishing our sunsets this week. Super fun project. I will send photos of our creations when complete. Kathy from Ontario
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Having kids at home due to coronavirus school closing, we have plenty of time for projects. These are all so adorable!
ReplyDeleteDo you have a specific strategy to teach how to tie knots?
ReplyDeleteWhen I start a weaving project with a new class we practice threading a needle and tying knots. I give them a few short pieces of yarn and we practice tying a knot on a single strand as well as tying with 2 strands. It helps to have yarn in 2 colours for the tying a knot with 2 strands. I usually draw a picture on the white board showing the steps and we do it it together as a class. (again for 2 strands use 2 marker colours). I go around the class ensuring they understand one by one and then get them to practice it a few times. It takes a bit of time but it helps in the long run. :) now if I could only get a good strategy for tangles!